Essentially a speaking lesson can follow the same stages as those of a writing lesson. As we read the text, we can begin to get an idea of what the language in it is doing – what its purpose is grammatically. However, just as in the writing lesson, we considered if there was any language we could include that would help students construct a particular type of written text, in a speaking lesson we may need to highlight some language which will help students more effectively complete a particular spoken task. However, there are some practical differences we need to consider. For example, to see what kind of cuisine the restaurant has. (Note that for a gist task, if we need to play it again – it is either because the task set is too difficult and not general enough, or the students are trying to focus on more details than they were asked for. ) Not much speaking … If we begin by telling students they are going to write, we may demotivate some students who feel like writing is a difficult or uninteresting. With the news article it might be: to waste time while we wait for an appointment, because this is an area of interest to us, so that we can talk about it later on in our day at work, or because we are completing some academic writing on the same topic. They are ideal for planning a speaking or reading ESL lesson. As described above – hopefully we have seen some improvement in understanding and accurate use of the target language, and that being the case, we would use the remaining time to work on fluency with the language through freer practice tasks. Use visuals where possible to create interest and engagement. With an internet review, we would upload it to the website so that other people can read it and possibly comment. When we have finished writing something in real-life, the chances are we are going to go through it, and at the very least check we have spelled things correctly, punctuated correctly and made sure that our ideas make sense. Let’s start by thinking about two kinds of reading text that most people will probably have read at some point; a news article (whether online or in the physical paper) and a menu. The teacher’s job at this stage, is to monitor and be a resource. Before the course A month is a very short time to learn something, but I really learnt a lot from this course. ESL Reading Lesson Plan Template. If we think first about a news article, we probably choose to read this because we have identified the subject matter as something that interests us. There are a few different ways we can do this. In this type of task, it should not be possible for students to simply lift the information out – they need to have to think about the question and come to conclusions about the information. Students would scan to find the part of the text which mentions hours of work, but then have to read more carefully and understand more deeply in order to answer the question. For that reason, a listening lesson is pretty much the same in terms of staging as a reading lesson. However, it could also be argued that if we want them to be better able to write not just this one letter, but subsequent letters too, then they also need help with the process of writing: thinking, planning, drafting, editing etc. As we know, speaking, like writing, is a productive skill, and again, we’ll see many similarities between the staging of these two lessons, in the same way we saw similarities between the two receptive skills lessons (reading and listening). In the previous two language lessons, the language was put into context and then clarified – we helped students with MPF in the earlier stages of the lesson and then they practised it. With a text such as the menu – this may not always be necessary, but we might look at this text in a very quick way first in some circumstances. CELTA Assignment 1: Lessons from the classroom A. I think my main strength is that I like interacting with people. It cost about 8 euros. If we had read the news article on the bus, we might tell someone about it when we got to work, or express our opinion on the matter in a conversation. This can be done in a number of ways. The  case of the covering letter, it could be planned together, but because students would be writing very specifically about themselves, the final writing task might be best done alone. Students have now practised various reading sub-skills and should have a much better understanding of the text. Again, while this is happening, it’s a vital time for the teacher to monitor actively and carefully, so that they know what is most needed in the next stage – ‘Teach’. At this stage of the lesson then, we built in time for feedback. Teacher training (CELTA) The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is the most widely recognised initial qualification for English teachers globally. This emphasises students producing an accurate, appropriately laid-out piece of writing and usually makes use of students following a model text as a guide. So, when taking a top-down approach to reading, our first stages of the lesson would seek to generate interest in the topic of the text and get students thinking and predicting the content. It is possible for students to do these stages collaboratively if the text lends itself to that. If there are no words in the text which we feel it is essential students need to know – we may skip this step. Take lots of time to plan lessons. Top 10 tips for CELTA success. Main Aim By the end of the lesson the students will be speaking … One is for students to actually publish their review on a real website – they can then read each other’s published reviews and comment on them. 1. On a CELTA/Trinity TESOL course a plan is … This does of course mean that as teachers we need to be well enough prepared to be flexible, and be very aware of the potential problems an area of language may cause our students, so that we are ready and able to help them. When we work on reading in the classroom with students, we want to try and help them read more effectively and efficiently in English, and one way to do that can be to replicate the way they read in their own language through our lesson staging and choice of tasks. In the previous stage, we got students interested in the topic, which should help generate a desire to read it. He obtained his Cambridge CELTA Certificate in 2006 and his Cambridge DELTA Diploma in 2009. Aim: for students to pick up useful language and be aware of the structure and layout of the text they will write. It would also be helpful for them to focus on useful chunks of language for this sort of text. We can do this by setting another reading task where the answers are all examples of the TL, or by asking students to go back to the text and underline all the examples they can find. While they are doing this, we need to monitor very carefully, noticing what they are OK with, and what they are struggling with. What particular language structure/s do you think it could be used to contextualise? For a summary of stages, which could help with lesson planning, see Skills – Lesson Staging. This is usually some kind of controlled practice. The first thing is to go online and search for a CELTA lesson plan template (this links to probably the best source I have found!). We then get quick open class feedback. Lesson Aims: – To develop speaking skills by discussing the topic of describing physical appearance and characteristic traits of someone they know. When teaching the past simple, we might well be able to anticipate that students will have some difficulties with the pronunciation of the verbs ending –ed, as this is a common problem among leaners. He is currently doing his MA in ELT distance course at […] The degree to which we go either way may depend on the kind of text we want students to write and the amount of time available. In many cases, students may have been operating in their first language up until the minute they enter the classroom. The parts of the plan and how they fit together The University of Cambridge sets out the requirements for what is in a CELTA lesson … This is because there is little point helping students with the pronunciation or form of some language if they don’t actually know what it is for. As with each one of the following stages, we would follow the task cycle. Don’t wait until the last minute, and use your weekend time wisely. Our hostel is in the centre, which is great. This method of presenting language is very similar to the previous, but this time the context in which the students first encounter the target language is a situation rather than a text. All with comprehensive Teacher Notes included. Let students listen to the whole recording and only split it up after they have attempted the tasks and compared with a partner if they are still finding it difficult. It’s important here to give students a clear task. For a vocabulary lesson… The key in the Teach stage, is to do what the students have shown they need, not what we have decided they need ahead of time. In many cases, students may have been operating in their first language up until the minute they enter the classroom. Note though, that with a short lesson, we may omit some of these stages. Teacher training (CELTA) The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is the most widely recognised initial qualification for English teachers globally. It aims to develop gist and inten- sive listening skills in the context of achievements. For example, will we read at the same speed, read the same amount of text etc? So – let’s imagine we are going to use this text to teach the past simple positive. CELTA lesson plan worksheet . Each is described in detail below. The context (in this case the text about a holiday), should have gone some way to helping communicate the meaning of the language (past simple) already. The answer is meaning, and we can help clarify it by using concept checking questions and perhaps a timeline. Again, as we read we are confirming or refuting our predictions. Aim: for students to develop their ability to find detail and gain a more in-depth understanding of the text. For this, we can introduce an initial task that gets them to make contact with the text and see generally what it is about, but does not at this stage make them focus on specific language or too much detail. In practice, and with more time than you get during a CELTA lesson, certain tasks might be extended … Depending on the level of our students and the complexity of the writing, this could range from a very simple instruction such as ‘tick the things you like and underline any mistakes you see’, to a much fuller checklist. A unique combination of theory and practice gives teachers the essential knowledge and hands-on teaching experience to teach English competently in various contexts. It_____ (cost) about 8 euros. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. This gives more purpose and a greater sense of completion than simply reading. CELTA is awarded to candidates who have completed the course and who have met the assessment criteria for all written and practical assignments. We were introduced to a set of ‘lesson frameworks’, which gave us an outline of how to structure our lessons, and what structure might be best for teaching each skill (i.e. However, it can´t be written until the last few days of the course, as you have to reflect on the course, your own development as well as other trainees´ development. Not much speaking … The plans are suitable for learners of all levels and can be easily adapted by IELTS teachers to suit the needs of students. With the news article, what we often do is start to read, perhaps the first paragraph or so, quite quickly, to see if it provides the kind of thing we wanted, and then decide whether to keep reading. So a process approach emphasises students having practise going through this process and hopes to make them better independent writers. Later we ______ (have) some typical food, batatas bravas and fish and then we ________ (watch) the sunset at the beach. This is often done with the use of pictures. Written in October 2010 while instructor was studying for his Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA… We have probably read the headline to get an idea of what the article is about, and from that, decided whether we want to continue reading or not. Do you think the life of a doctor is a busy one? Putting it into Practice… …contains 30 complete lesson plans and materials for reading, speaking and writing skills lessons. Written in October 2010 while instructor was studying for his Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA… Spend a couple of minutes thinking about how listening lessons might differ, then read on. 3 Steps for Preparing CELTA Lesson Plans BEFORE the course 1. During the CELTA we had a good few input sessions on how to plan lessons. Will we read both these texts in the same way? We need to lead them into the lesson and the language. As with any task, we need to follow the task cycle with each listening task. We need to get students interested in the topic, set the task, perhaps give them a model of the speaking task being completed, focus on some relevant useful language, give them time to think and plan, time to complete the speaking task and then give them feedback before, if there is time, letting them apply the feedback and have another go at completing the speaking task. With Globally Speaking you can finally get ready for CELTA in Rome, Italy. At the start of the course, the 8 trainees were split into two different TP groups, of which two trainees from each group would teach a 45 minute lesson each day. In this example, we could ask students to read quickly (less than one minute) and answer the following questions. So in the classroom and in the staging of our receptive skills lessons, we want to try and replicate the purpose of reading. You will find out about the latest communicative teaching methodologies and have the opportunity to put these into practice in a real classroom with real students. (This stage will follow the task cycle. Can you remember which one we should always deal with first and how we can do that? For these reasons, the download links are available below: CELTA lesson plans … Things such as speed of speech and accent can radically affect how difficult a listening text is to understand. Developing speaking skills in learners — Bhupinder Singh 19. Is it Italian? Follow-up activity – do a speaking/writing activity based on the text. (This stage will follow the task cycle.). Again – it some cases it might be helpful for students to do this in pairs or groups – writing is not only the process of holding and manipulating the pen. So, with TTT we need a combination of preparation, prediction and flexibility. CAMBRIDGE ESOL CELTA LESSON PLAN Name: Clive Elsmore Date: 19 Apr 2012 TP No: 6 / Stage 6 Level: Pre Intermediate Lesson Focus: Grammar, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary. Our hostel is in the centre, which is great. For example, we might note that students could complete the gap filling exercise well with the regular (ed ending) past simple verbs, but had trouble with the irregular verbs. A lesson can pass or fail on the strength of its plan so this is not a box-ticking exercise. If this is done effectively, then it could be argued that Test-Teach-Test is a more efficient use of time than using a context or text, since we are not wasting students’ time teaching them things they already know. We will keep to a lesson where the target language is the past simple positive, as this should make it easier to compare all three approaches. This is sometimes called a gist question. While with receptive skills, the stages discussed in the previous section tend to be more consistently followed, with productive skills there is often more flexibility, depending on what kind of speaking or writing we are expecting students to produce. We therefore want to give students practice doing the same things. The idea with Test-Teach-Test, is that the Test tells the teacher how much teaching they need to do, and in what areas. Test-Teach-Test turns this on its head a little bit. Remember: The above is the BASIC framework. At beginning of this course, I thought it was … Does it offer food from more than one region? Main Aim By the end of the lesson the students will be reading and listening for gist, specific information and meaning Subsidiary Aim Similarly with the menu, we use our real-world knowledge to very quickly establish that the text is a menu and to use our previous experience and main information on the sheet to predict the fact that we expect to see the name of dishes, prices and descriptions. If students have found the listening difficult, we need to know about it, and we need to know which parts of it they found difficult. When we focus on the skills of writing, we are taking what could be called a process writing approach. When scanning for specific info, we are often looking for things such as names, places, amounts and costs. reading, speaking, etc). reading, speaking, etc). Main Aim By the end of the lesson the students will be speaking more fluently and accurately Subsidiary Aim By the end of the lesson the students will be This stage is called pre-teach lexis, and is optional. First, we might introduce visuals of three of four phones and ask students to discuss what they know about any of them – for example, the price, make, any features they know about. In this case the lead-in could be exactly the same as in the previous lesson. ***** This course comes with 52 free speaking activities, as well as sample lesson plans and writing assignments ***** Whilst CELTA is an entry level teacher training course in English language teaching, the contents of the course and the teaching practicum can be quite daunting. With our covering letter, we send it to the person specified in the advert and wait and see if we got an interview. – Introduce and practice descriptive adjectives (topic related vocabulary). We then ask them to quickly check their answer with a partner, before checking the answer as a class. Of these three, we always want to deal with meaning first. ), so it could effectively be used to present this tense. Celta Assignment- Lesson from the Classroom ... relocating to an English speaking country, obtaining a better job, travelling, teaching English at a higher level, and communicating with native speakers or family. In the classroom, we also want to give students some kind of an audience and feedback. You tell students what you want them to talk about, and then…nothing really happens. Aim: for students to practise and develop their ability to skim a text, reading quickly for overall understanding. Aim: to generate interest and a desire to read the text, to encourage prediction, to activate known vocabulary on the subject. We need to think about the kind of text we are asking students to read and decide if this is a natural task for this kind of text. In this way, we will have lead them to examine the layout and they should be able to apply it to their own writing. In the grammar lesson, (a language lesson), we are hoping to improve students’ spoken communication using a particular grammatical structure. You are likely to think about the question, do some reading as research, plan, organise, edit etc. We need to think carefully about our aims here. When we read any text in real life, we have a reason to read. CELTA Assignment 4-Lessons from the Classroom 1. Watch Diane Dowejko demonstrate the stages of a reading skills lesson. We now want to pull the target language from the context and help students understand it. We will be looking at the following lesson shapes: One way we can allow students to see the language in context is for the context to be a text. Now it’s time to get student using the language, at this stage focusing on accuracy. Teaching speaking — Basheer Ahmed Hamood Mufleh 15. For example, if there is a strong accent we may warn students of this, and ensure we give them plenty of opportunity for pair checking before conducting feedback. When we write in real life, we are always aware of these two things. NB2: although it is very common to begin reading with this kind of task (certainly on many CELTA courses and in many coursebooks) – it is not always essential. Abstract This is a 60 minute speaking and listening lesson plan. Abstract This is a 40 minute writing practice lesson plan. It____ (be) really easy to get from the airport to the centre of the city, so I don’t think you’ll have any problems. Scanning is moving quickly across the text looking for a particular thing – like when we scan the horizon, then stop when we see something on that horizon that’s of interest. Since the model and their examination of it have highlighted the purpose of the short paragraphs as being; phone information, pros, cons and conclusion, it is likely thy have brainstormed their ideas in these groups – but if not, we need to give them time to do this, and to begin thinking and deciding on the order they’ll mention them in and any particular language they’d like to match with a point they’re making. We watched the sunset at the board eliciting and highlighting celta speaking lesson form of a phone, similar to the of... Or stage is called pre-teach lexis, and in the context and help students understand it could! Presenting language via a text, reading and listening are referred to as skills... Speaking class for planning a speaking class than language… Abstract this is a key part of a approach... To avoid playing the recording over and over again a 9 x 40 min slots there may also helpful. 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