cross between a McIntosh and Golden Delicious and a great eating apple. Early Macs are moderately firm and crisp and good for eating and The name, 'Early Cortland', was chosen by a group of 10 Geneva pomologists. Google+ The apple was named after nearby Cortland County, New York. Cancel, The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1. Cousineau. It was selected in August 1949 from a progeny of 44 seedlings. Fruit similar to Cortland, but tarter. Trees can be propagated on the full range of size- controlling rootstocks to achieve the desired tree size. @feruze-- Early Cortland is a cross between Cortland and white/yellow transparent apples. Ozark Gold “early mild apple” No Aug 25 End of Aug Mild Tender * * Gala “early sweet eating” Yes Aug 30 Until Mid Sept Sweet Crisp * * * * * Fall Apples: The apples you enjoy each fall. Quinti apples are good for eating and cooking; it is a sweet apple. Storage life tests at 31 F. in a high relative humidity were conducted for 7 years (1962- 1968). The Quinti was introduced in 1964 in Ottawa, Ontario. In Norway, he was so favorably im- pressed with the variety that he gave it a name of his own choosing, 'Mari', and encouraged Norwegian growers to try it. X. X. X : Cortland. It is similar to Cortland', except the color has considerable distinct striping, the flavor is more tart, and it ripens a month earlier than 'Cortland'. As the name implies, this is one of the earliest apples, ripening in early July and lasting throughout the season. The Cortland Apple Tree is ready for harvest between September and October, just in time for a warm apple pie on a cool, crisp fall day. A small apple with crisp, vibrant flavor, Gala is the superior apple for mild-winter climates. Wonderful for eating fresh, they hold up nicely in pies and as a baked apple. Branches are more willowy than some varieties, and heavy cropping often causes trees to appear somewhat drooping. Remove this product from my favorite's list. August it is the first apple off the trees at Rowe's. I'll take regular Cortland … Cortlands are moderately firm, crisp, and sweet good for eating, drying, freezing, salads, baking and cider. Excerpt from the New York’s Food and Life Sciences Bulletin: 'Early Cortland' originated from the controlled cross- pollination, 'Cortland' x 'Lodi', made in 1938. 'Early Cortland' has been used effectively as a pollen parent in controlled hybridizations, which proves that it has good, viable pollen. Gala. Golden Delicious apples originated in West Creek, Virginia and were intoduced in 1916. Yellow summer apple. The fruit are roundish oblate, attractively red colored, with a heavy bloom. The Cortland is a cross between the Ben Davis and the McIntosh apples. This sweet-spicy apple has a succulent texture and rich taste. It should not be depended upon as a pollenizer for late blooming varieties, such as 'Golder Delicious' or 'Rome'. Introduced in 1999. X. X. X. X. X. At Geneva, NY, 'Early Cortland' generally ripens during the first week of September, about six days after 'Tydeman Early' or about the same time as 'Gravenstein'. Good all-purpose apple. Macouns are a cross With a harvest date in mid You've probably identified your favorite eating apple. Being a tip bearer, growth habit is similar to that of Rome Beauty. It is a good apple to accompany a sandwich.” He recommends it for pies, sauce, and cider, too. Additional information. The county seat is Cortland. An apple a day may really keep the doctor away. Early harvest – Early 1800s, US (likely). 'Early Cortland1 trees are very similar to 'Cortland'. REDFREE— This beautiful red apple is sweet and especially firm. Fruit is a beautiful red, very large, with pure white flesh. Spencer apples originated in Summerland, British Columbia and were introduced in 1959. Pollen is viable, and the variety can serve as a pollen source for other early blooming varieties in an apple orchard. The Redcort is a crisp, sweet apple good for eating. Ripens in early September. Cortland Picture a fresh fruit cup featuring beautiful, snow-white apples. Early McIntosh apples were introduced in 1923 and originated in Geneva, New York. A row of apple trees can act as an attractive privacy screen all summer and fall, while fully leafed out. 'Early Cortland' was tested for an unusually long period of 45 years from the time of crossing to introduction, 1938- 1982. The Cortland apple resulted from a breeding program at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station. cider and sauce. Licorice tones. Cancel. The Honeycrisp apple was thought to be a cross between the Macoun and the Honeygold, but genetic testing has shown the Keepsake apple to be the only identified parent. Redcorts are a limb mutation of the popular Cortland apple. Mr.xEirrset was formerly a pomologist at the Geneva Station. The Jerseymac originated in New Brunswick, New Jersey and was introduced in 1972. It is a seedling of 'Cortland1, not a sport and therefore is a completely different variety from Cortland'. Nevertheless, it is very pleasing to eat out of hand after it has fully ripened. A cross between the Golden Delicious and Albermarle Pippin, this early-season variety is best served fresh. But it's not as good as Cortland apples in my opinion. Cortland was developed at Cornell from a cross of Ben Davis and McIntosh made in 1898. Pick-Your-Own apples and pumpkins. Fall harvest – All purpose fall apple. Vintage farm store with fresh apples, homemade preserves and gifts. Excellent for both fresh eating and cooking. The McIntosh is a popular apple used for eating, cooking, Waddell Apple Farm and Bakery, farming in Kingston Ontario since 2003. Cortland is a typical McIntosh style apple variety, and ranks about 12th in terms of US apple production. Apples are low in calories and free of fat, sodium and cholesterol. between the Ben Davis and the McIntosh apples. 'Early Cortland' is an early fall, market apple. between a Yellow Transparent and a McIntosh. Red Delicious apples have However nearly all that production takes place in New York State, almost within sight of Cornell University where it was developed in 1898 and introduced in 1915. Honeycrisps are very crisp and sweet apples great for eating. Cortland is a cultivar of apple developed at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York, United States in 1898. Cortland ripen in late September or early October. The Honeycrisp was introduced in 1991 and originated in Excelsior, Minnesota at the University of Minnesota's apple develpment program. Stores well for an early apple. Skin color is 60 to 95 per cent red with distinctly splashed striping. Both have marketed the variety under the name, 'Early Cortland'. The Macoun apple originated in Geneva, New York and was introduced in 1923. and the Red Melba apple. McIntosh apples are crisp And I'll confess ahead of time that my favorite apple is any of the brown-green russets — Golden Russet, Roxbury Russet, et al. Early September to Late September Sweet Old Fashion Apple All-Purpose Jonathan Early September to Mid November Tart All-Purpose Popular for Pies Cortland Early September to Late October Tart All-Purpose Recommended for Cooking Cooks Soft Must Refrigerate Red Delicious The Early Mac is a cross Twelve years of bloom records, at Geneva (1960-1971) showed that, on the average, 'Early Cortland' bloomed about half a day before 'Mclntosh'. X: X.   Dwarf varieties of the apple can serve as the “clothing,” trained along your fence in an art form known as espalier. 2020 looks to have apples ripening on their normal schedule. According to Emily, the sweetly tart Cortland is the most versatile apple on the orchard. Share Ellison’s orange – English early 1900s (likely earlier).   The overall appearance is similar to 'Cortland' but less red and with more splashed stripes. Cortland X lodi, early ripening cortland type. Cortland requires a number of chilling hours (700-1000 below freezing) in order to set fruit. between the McIntosh and the Jersy Black apple. The flesh is whitish cream colored and semifirm in texture. or  It was first distributed in 1915. It is similar to Cortland', except the color has considerable distinct striping, the flavor is more tart, and it ripens a month earlier than 'Cortland'. Spencers are firm and crisp with The Julyred is a soft and sweet apple good for eating. Writer Roger Yepsen describes Cortland as a “friendly” apple in his book Apples. Fruit shape is roundoblate to roundconic. Apple varieties which are grown in large volume com- mercially usually ripen late, after mid-September. a very sweet flavor. Cortlands are moderately firm, crisp, and sweet good for In most years, fruits remained in a good marketable condition for about four months, until about January 1. In 1966, Charlotte Pratt of the Department of Pomology and Viticulture, counted the number of chromosomes in cells in shoot meristems of 'Early Cortland' and found the variety to be diploid (2x-34). Yellow-green with crimson stripes, it is ideal for baking, canning, and freezing. The Paulared apple was introduced in 1967 in Sparta, Michigan. Early Cortland – Cortland like but earlier season. Its mildly tart flavor definitely gets the Michigan autumn apple harvest off to an exciting start. However, there is much grower interest in early ripening varieties for roadside and early shipping markets but not for large volume storage. In cold bloom seasons, it will usually set good crops, even when honeybee flight is poor. In view of the fact that this variety has already been marketed under this name, it is an appropriate choice. The Macoun is a popular eating apple. Fruit sizes are more uniform than most varieties. Very good. Way, R.D., Livermore, K.G., Aldwinckle, H.S. , 1982, 'EARLY CORTLAND' AND 'GENEVA EARLY' APPLES: New York's Food and Life Sciences Bulletin, no. Empire Apple Ripens in early Sept. Second half of September: Royal Cortland: cross between McIntosh and Ben Davis that inherited the good qualities of both parents. It is somewhat less pleasant to eat out of hand than 'Cortland' because it is more tart and it has less of the desirable aromatic flavors. It's also not as sweet as regular Cortland. The Honeycrisp is relatively new, they are excellent eating apples so try one if you haven't already. Tree a vigorous grower. The McIntosh originated in Dundas County, Ontario and was introduced in 1836. baking. However, in an apple cultivar evalua- tion orchard where fire blight has been especially severe on other varieties, trees of 'Early Cortland' have suffered very little blight infection. Early October: Yes: Jonathan: Tart, crisp, and juicy. This great, all-purpose apple was developed at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva in 1898. Trees tend to be precocious and set heavy crops. This is one of the special attributes of this new variety. Thus, 'Early Cortland' can serve as a mutually effective cross-pollenizer in orchards with most early blooming varieties, such as 'Mclntosh' or 'Idared'. Cortland is the product of a cross between McIntosh and Ben Davis, an heirloom apple from Virginia dating back to the early 1800s. Dessert and culinary. Zestar!® Large, crunchy, juicy red fruit with a sprightly sweet-tart flavor. 'Early Cortland' has no known resistances to apple diseases or insects. Fifteen- year-old trees on Malling-Merton 106 rootstocks often produce 10 bushels or more of fruit, annually. The Golden Trees of 'Early Cortland' produce good heavy crops. Developed from McIntosh, Cortland is one of the most widely-grown Mac-style apples. Rowe Orchard's currently has 14 varieties of apples in production. The Quinti is a cross between the Crimson Beauty The skin of early Cortland usually has scabs and it's prone to pest infestations. However Cortland is a noticeably larger apple and in a good season the flavour can have a more robust yet perfumed quality. Jerseymacs are moderately firm and sweet-tart. The Spencer is a Tweet The Cortland apple was developed in 1898 by Professor S.A. Beach at Cornell University’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York. 'Early Cortland' is an early fall, market apple. or;sequence=1, Submit The flavor is subacid to somewhat tart. Yield records of individual trees over a decade show that there is a slight tendency for some trees to crop somewhat biennially, though biennial cropping is much less of a problem than it is with its parent, 'Lodi'. There have also been 5 between the July Red and the NH 24. The Jewseymac is a cross Puritan apples originated in Amherst, Massachusetts and were introduced in 1953. The ground color of the skin is lighter green than that of 'Cortland'; it is almost whitish. In 1969, 'Early Cortland' was tested by Olaf Einset, Lofthus, Norway. flavor. During its testing period before introduction, it was identified as New York 49-19. The Red Delicious apple was introduced in 1895 and originated in Peru, Iowa. This Department also used N.Y. 49-19 to graft onto several kinds of stocks to study rootstock effects on tree performance in commercial orchards. mid to late September. ever classic Mac and Cortland apples. Pinterest, Send They're not necessarily the same. The Cortland Apple Tree requires 800-1,000 chill hours and will serve as a good pollinator for Red Gravenstein, McIntosh, and Honeycrisp apples. It is round with white flesh and is perfect for fresh eating or drying. An apple of unknown southern origin, resembling Early Harvest and frequently mistaken for this variety, but with an earlier ripening time than Early Harvest. Deep red over yellow. Commercial growers report that the flowers of 'Early Cortland' are hardier and more frost resis- tant than those of 'Empire'. Cold Hardiness: Very Cold Hardy Cortland apples originated in Geneva, New York and were introduced in 1915. It ripens more evenly than most early varieties; sometimes it can be harvested all at one picking, but generally two pickings will be better. eating and cooking. Of the apples in production we have the Its storage life is about as long as that of 'Mclntosh'. Perhaps you already have a privacy fence, but it looks too bare, and you’d like to dress it up. Redcort apples originated in Malboro, New York. Although ripens in early mid-season, it is an excellent commercial type. early to Mid October . Paulareds are very firm and tart, good for Cortland County New York is named for Pierre Van Cortlandt, president of the convention at Kingston that wrote the first New York State Constitution in 1777, and first lieutenant governor of the state. Cortland apples originated in Geneva, New York and were introduced in 1915. NY 1930s. “The flavor is tart and tangy,” he writes, “but not emphatically so, and juicy. However, there is a seems to imply that this is an early ripening mutation of 'Cortland', which it is not. eating, drying, freezing, salads, baking and cider. It is among the fifteen most popular in the United States and Canada. Apple Varieties Guide by Harvest Date - Which Apple to Pick and Why! and somewhat firm with a mainly sweet taste. Ripens late August to early September. 'Early Cortland' fruits are large, generally 3 to 3 112 inches in diameter. Note: Much of the information for this page came from "Our Apples" by Shahrokh Khanizadeh and Johanne The famed Cortland apple is named for the county. Weight: 1.5 lbs: Common Name: Apple. 'Early Cortland' may fill a vital need in an intermediate slot between the very early and late varieties. Much of Cortland’s distinctive flavor comes from McIntosh, while its crisp texture, red skin with green striping, and large size are characteristic of Ben Davis. The Macoun is moderately firm and crisp with a sweet In flavor and texture and firmness Redcort is proving to be a highly desirable apple. This STANDARD variety is ripe in late September, or early October. Add this product to my list of favorites. Commercial growers say that trees are precocious and regular croppers and fruits make good applesauce. We also harvest the popular (for eating) Macoun. Delicious is a firm, crisp apple with a sweet flavor good for eating and baking. Cortland Apple Early October — Cortland apples are medium to large in size with a light red skin. Erickson – Minnesota circa 1910. X. Tests conducted by the Department of Plant Pathology showed Early Cortland' to be very susceptible to fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). Visit the farm August to October or shop online all year! 'Early Cortland' has a much longer storage life than most early ripening apple varieties. Northern Spy is a classic pie apple, popular in New England and New York since the early 1800s. There have been few late frosts in the main apple growing regions, rain and temperatures have been good, so the year is shaping up well for a good apple crop. Commercial and home garden growers purchased trees to test it. Our choices of this name, viz., 'Early Cortland', takes precedence over Einset's choice of 'Mari'. new varieties planted recently which are not yet being harvested. Slightly tart, flesh discolors slowly. Description. Commercial apple growers will like it because they can take advantage of the high prices of the early market. 99, p. 1–3. It’s likely made with Cortland, New York’s very best salad apple. Nursery trees of N.Y. 49-19 were sold by the New York State Fruit Testing Association for a period of 8 years, 1960-1967. Store somewhat well. Beginning about 1970, several hundred bushels of N.Y. 49-19 were produced annually by both the Red Jacket Orchards, Geneva, NY and G. Field Orchards, LaFayette, NY. The Puritan is a soft and somewhat tart apple mainly used for eating and cooking. Puritans are a McIntosh, Fruit medium-sized, roundish, with thin pale yellow or greenish-yellow skin. It's my understanding that if you don't meet those requirements in a given year you may not get fruit, but the tree will still grow just fine. Excellent flavor, Does not brown when sliced (see this page for more info) CandyCrisp: Early October: X. X. good. The fact that these growers have already accepted and planted this good new variety is one of the reasons we are introducing it. The Cortland is a cross thick skins with a crisp center and sweet flavor. In addition to the original seedling grown on its own roots, 15 grafted trees were planted into second-test evaluation orchards. Cameo. Like 'Cortland', 'Early Cortland' fruits hang well to the tree even after they have fully ripened; no stopdrop sprays are needed. They are above medium in vigor. Very good. But what about the best pie apples? During this time, it was repropagated several times and grown for re-evaluation in Experiment Station orchards. Like 'Cortland', fruits are borne on spurs and on twig terminals. Therefore, a full schedule of chemical sprays will be needed. Red Astrachan cross. Refreshing. The tree is vigorous, upright and very susceptible to apple scab. Great for eating, baking, and salads. The fruit will store for 6 to 8 weeks. EARLIGOLD— Earligold is pale yellow, tart, firm, and juicy apple. The Julyred originated in New Brunswick, New Jersey and was introduced in 1962. Cortland apple identification Cortland was one of the first varieties developed from the popular McIntosh, and inherits the characteristic sweet white flesh and crimson skin of its father. In most years, it will also mutually cross- pollenize with most mid-season bloomers, such as 'Delicious' and 'Jonathan'. Michigan is the third largest apple producer in the country and harvested 25.2 million bushels, or more than 1 billion pounds, of apples in 2018, according to the Michigan Apple Committee. 95 per cent red with distinctly splashed striping was chosen by a group of Geneva... Fall, market apple Virginia and were introduced in 1923 to apple diseases or insects taste! ' is an appropriate choice bloom seasons, it was selected in August 1949 from a cross between crimson. 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