This will be achieved through the use of client management information systems, client satisfaction metrics and performance measurement systems, including the creation of a scorecard with financial and nonfinancial metrics. 21 December 2020 . Deutsche Bank said on Wednesday it would not exercise its option to redeem $1.25 billion in Additional Tier 1 (AT1)securities on April 30. Monitoring the Management Board’s measures to ensure the bank’s compliance with legal requirements, authorities’ regulations and the company’s own in-house policies. About. These include: guidelines on managing change; surveys to assess how employees are processing the change both mentally and emotionally; and coaching, workshops and trainings on how to increase efficiency. Market Value (Jan 1st 2020) 16.9 Billion USD. Il Gruppo Deutsche Bank è una banca d'investimento globale con soluzioni finanziarie e servizi bancari per clienti privati, business e istituzionali. Deutsche Bank Price to Book Value is decreasing over the years with slightly volatile fluctuation. Euromoney Trade Finance Survey 2020, Jan 2020… November 4, 2020 Deutsche Bank honoured for its commitment in the fight against LGBTQ persecution October 14, 2020 Coding against the odds September 30, 2020 Deutsche Bank … Deutsche Bank says you need to own these 10 value stocks set to rise by as much as 52% as Europe gets a grip on COVID-19 Theo Golden 2020-11-27T08:00:00Z Precautionary monitoring and strategic analysis of the bank’s legal and reputational risks that could place the entire bank at risk or lead to material claims for damages against current or former Management Board members and regularly advising and monitoring the Management Board with a view to avoiding such risks. ... × Show 20 news . Registro Unico Intermediari n°D000027178 ( In 2013, our Supervisory Board intensified its oversight of ethics through the creation of an Integrity Committee. Deutsche Bank’s Values & Beliefs. Nell´analisi della qualità delle 17 banche più grandi in Italia, sono state passate in rassegna 9 aspetti della qualità del servizio. MF Global Awards 2018 - Deutsche Bank ha ricevuto il Premio Lombard – Guido Carli come Migliore Banca nel Credito al Consumo, durante i Milano Finanza Global Awards 2018. Call charges apply. After the financial crisis, it is essential for the banking industry to restore a firm bond of trust with the communities we serve. The 1-year high price for the company’s stock is recorded $11.96 on 12/04/20, with the lowest value was $4.99 for the same time period, recorded on 03/16/20. Two Deutsche Bank employees responsible for lending to President Donald ... Trump’s longtime personal bankers resign from Deutsche Bank Published: Dec. 22, 2020 at 11:17 p.m ... Value … Corporate Bank. If you close this box or continue browsing, we will assume you agree with this. This website uses cookies in order to improve user experience. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft had a pretty favorable run when it comes to the market performance. We implemented some essential short-term actions, such as redefining our compensation practices and policies, and creating an Independent Compensation Review Panel. 142 results (20 showing) Headline Source Date Time Price Change % Deutsche Bank AG - Value Per Security. Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza - Nell'ambito dello "Studio Banche 2018", Deutsche Bank è stata eletta dai suoi clienti come "Ottima banca" in Italia, salendo sul podio del ranking finale per la customer satisfaction. They help us to conduct business with the utmost integrity, to create long-term value for our shareholders and to nurture the best talent. In this way, we help Deutsche Bank adopt emerging technology solutions that enhance, improve and reimagine the way we serve our clients. L’analisi rileva la soddisfazione della clientela rispetto al servizio ricevuto dalla propria banca per il mutuo tramite un sondaggio rappresentativo e confronta i tassi fissi e variabili sia attuali, sia storici. Deutsche Bank Easy - Presiti, finanziamenti, db contocarta, carte di credito, assicurazioni MF Global Awards 2017 - Deutsche Bank ha ricevuto il Premio “Guido Carli” per la “Migliore Qualità del credito”, ai Milano Finanza Global Awards 2017. Il notiziario viene creato dal nostro algoritmo di classificazione automatica di testi con le ultimissime novità dai quotidiani e le agenzie di stampa online italiane. Il Discretionary Portfolio Management italiano del Wealth Management di Deutsche Bank è stato giudicato tra i "migliori gestori patrimoniali 2020" dall'Istituto Tedesco di Qualità e Finanza. Time period matches between 22 September 2020 and 22 December 2020. Deutsche Bank's numerous climate-related activities A brief summary of Deutsche Bank's diverse approaches to fighting climate change fighting climate change No results found for your selection, please make a new selection. We maintain an unwavering focus on serving our clients effectively. News explorer - Search Regulatory news, RNS Search, via Company or code, Index, Industry Sector, Headline type, Release date and Source Deutsche Bank Price to Book Value: 0.3113 for Nov. 18, 2020. Il premio è stato assegnato per le campagne pubblicitarie “RETHINK INVESTING” dedicate alle strategie Multi Asset e al Fondo Deutsche Invest I Top Dividend. Regular review of the bank’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics with a view to fostering ethical and moral conduct within and outside the bank. Deutsche Bank AG: Value Per Security UK Regulatory Announcement LONDON DB ETC PLC Dated: 21 December 2020 COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT Immediate Release 21 December 2020 … View all DB assets, cash, debt, liabilities, shareholder equity and investments. Market Cap (July-04-2020): 20.3 Billion USD. Lead Channel. World Rank (July-04-2020) 737. In the past, we may have underestimated the potential emotional effects of change. Deutsche Bank retains number one cash management spot in Western Europe. We also rolled out a programme of measures to tighten our control environment. Questo è il bollettino di oggi 22 dicembre 2020 per Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft market cap history and chart from 2006 to 2020. Our Values: Integrity: Sustainable Performance: Client Centricity: Innovation: Discipline: Partnership: Our Beliefs: We live by the highest standards of integrity in everything we say and do: We drive value for shareholders by putting long-term success over short-term gain: We earn our clients’ trust by placing them at the core of our organization For more information about the cookies we use or to find out how you can disable cookies, click, We live by the highest standards of integrity in everything we say and do, We drive value for shareholders by putting long-term success over short-term gain, We earn our clients’ trust by placing them at the core of our organization, We foster innovation by valuing intellectual curiosity in our people, We protect the firm’s resources by always thinking and acting like owners, We build diverse teams to generate better ideas and reach more balanced decisions, We will do what is right – not just what is allowed, We encourage entrepreneurial spirit which responsibly balances risks and returns, We deliver true value by understanding and serving our clients’ needs best, We enable our clients’ success by constantly seeking suitable solutions to their problems, We live by the rules and hold ourselves accountable to deliver on our promises – no excuses, We put the common goals of the firm before ‘silo’ loyalty by trusting, respecting and working with each other, We communicate openly; we invite, provide and respect challenging views, We pursue lasting performance by developing, nurturing and investing in the best talent, and by managing based on merit, We strive to pursue mutually beneficial client relationships in which the value created is shared fairly, We continuously improve our processes and platforms by embracing new and better ways of doing things, We achieve operational excellence by striving to ‘get it right the first time’, We act as responsible partners with all our stakeholders and regulators, and in serving the wider interests of society. Source: Credit Suisse, company data. World Rank (Jan-2020) 942. Nello studio "Le migliori banche per il mutuo 2019" dell’Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza, Deutsche Bank ha ottenuto il riconoscimento "Ottimo mutuo" nella categoria "soddisfazione clienti". That applies to Deutsche Bank as well as the entire industry. Customers in Mumbai can also call at 6601 6601. Please share this IFSC with the ‘Remitter’ to transfer funds in to your Deutsche Bank account from any other bank. Il prestigioso riconoscimento è stato assegnato sulla base degli indici di capitale dell’Istituto, tra i migliori del sistema bancario italiano: Deutsche Asset Management ha vinto il Premio Leone d’Oro per la “Migliore Campagna prodotto Asset Management”. We have set ourselves the goal of taking on a pioneering role in the change that is indispensable in the business sector: Cultural change was therefore an essential part of our Strategy 2015+ and corporate culture remains one of the key levers in our Strategy 2020. The committee advises and monitors the Management Board on its measures to ensure the economically sound, sustainable development of the company while protecting the resources of the natural environment, maintaining social responsibility and observing the principles of sound, responsible management and corporate governance. Ongoing Price to Book Value is projected to grow to 0.33 this year. Tel:02.40241-Fax:02.4024.2636 PEC: - P.IVA:01340740156. We have established sophisticated processes and structures for this purpose. Deutsche Bank Gross Profit From 2010 to 2020 Deutsche Bank Price to Book Value quarterly data regression line had arithmetic mean of 0.44 and r-squared of 0.76. No.1 Western Europe; Three consecutive years. Since 2014, we have integrated our corporate values and beliefs into people management tools such as objective setting, performance management, leadership, management assessment and people development tools. È il 6° anno consecutivo che Deutsche Bank riceve il prestigioso Premio, dedicato e ispirato ai banchieri che hanno meglio interpretato lo spirito degli uomini che nel Rinascimento diedero inizio alla banca moderna. Il team Discretionary Portfolio Management Italy di Deutsche Bank - International Private Bank si è aggiudicato per il secondo anno consecutivo il prestigioso riconoscimento, Il team Investment Advisory di Deutsche Bank in Italia ha ricevuto l'Italian Financial Innovation Award di AIFIN per la, Il Discretionary Portfolio Management italiano del Wealth Management di Deutsche Bank è stato giudicato tra i, Copyright © 2020 Deutsche Bank SpA - Piazza del Calendario, 3 - 20126 Milano. Market capitalization (or market value) is the most commonly used method of measuring the size of a publicly traded company and is calculated by multiplying the current stock price by the number of shares outstanding. BZN . MF Global Awards 2019 - a Deutsche Bank Italia il premio ‘migliore banca multicanale’ nella categoria Creatori di Valore. Ongoing Price to Book Value is projected to grow to 0.33 this year. World Rank (Aug-22-2020): 832. In 2013, we laid the foundation for long-term change with the release of our new values and beliefs. Deutsche Bank Search Search Query . If you close this box or continue browsing, we will assume you agree with this. We recognize the importance of an appropriate balance between work and personal life. In 5 di queste 9 dimensioni, Deutsche Bank si è aggiudicata, classificandosi come "ottima", la più alta categoria di valutazione: consulenza finanziaria, assistenza ai clienti, social media, conti correnti e "rapporto prezzo-qualità". Un riconoscimento all’ampia gamma di canali attraverso i quali DB serve oltre 2 milioni di clienti attivi su tutto il territorio nazionale. We’re a focal point for innovation with a simple, practical role: we connect startups to decision makers within Deutsche Bank. Iscriz. One crucial step is to bring the attitudes and goals of our staff in line with the needs or our clients and the overall economy. An effective control and monitoring system is a necessity in order to manage a company with global activities such as Deutsche Bank. Our values and beliefs guide our behavior. Incase of any queries, contact our 24/7 phone banking team on 18602666601* *Customers outside India need to dial +91 22 6601 6601. Awards; ... Euromoney Trade Finance Survey 2020, Jan 2020. We encourage visible and measurable changes in behavior as well as in policies, processes and practices. From 2010 to 2020 Deutsche Bank Price to Book Value quarterly data regression line had arithmetic mean of 0.44 and r-squared of 0.76. Deutsche Bank warns coronavirus could impact its capital target as profit falls from a year ago Published Mon, Apr 27 2020 2:42 AM EDT Updated Mon, Apr 27 2020 … Do you have any questions on this topic? Survey amongst more than 32,000 corporate and financial institutions sees Deutsche Bank for the ninth year as number one bank for cash management services. Copyright © 2019 Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, This website uses cookies in order to improve user experience. Il premio arriva a coronamento di un 2017 particolarmente brillante per il credito al consumo di Deutsche Bank, che ha registrato un tasso di crescita del 24% in termini di nuove erogazioni da parte della divisione Deutsche Bank Easy, una crescita più che doppia della media di mercato, che è stata del 10,5% (dati Assofin 2017 vs 2016 al netto delle carte di credito). Oltre alla qualità del portafogli, al team sono state riconosciute la centralità data al … Deutsche Bank ha ricevuto altri due riconoscimenti: il Premio MF Innovazione per il prodotto carte di debito, con la carta “DB Card World”, e il Premio MF Innovazione per finanziamenti e prestiti ai privati, con DB Easy Sorriso. Il Gruppo, inoltre, ha come obiettivo della Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa la costruzione di capitale In 2014, we focused on engaging employees throughout Deutsche Bank with what these values mean in practice. Last Update: November 29, 2019 Deutsche Bank has since invested around a billion dollars in improving its internal auditing, adding over 1,500 employees to the oversight department. Sort by × Sort by most recent . You are here: Home. We are developing organizational metrics and systems to support the measurement and adoption of desired behaviors. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products The Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Customer Support Customer Support Safe Banking Tip Workshops across Deutsche Bank aim to engage small groups and reinforce the need for alignment and change, while also identifying opportunities to drive business performance. Soggetta alla vigilanza IVASS. Keeping listeners glued until the last moments of EBAday 2020 session ... Deutsche Bank, to speak to the true value of Request to Pay in order to cement ... Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank Price to Book Value is decreasing over the years with slightly volatile fluctuation. We have embedded our values and beliefs in our recruiting, interviewing, and on-boarding processes as well as development activities. The impact of the economic crisis has made a long-term change of corporate culture in the financial sector absolutely imperative and cultural change is needed. August 2016 — Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse are removed from Europe's blue-chip STOXX Europe 50 index due to the sharp decline in the market value … It is also concerned with the integration of these aspects into corporate culture. Since we launched our Strategy 2015+, we have worked intensively on our corporate culture. Deutsche Bank AG Annual balance sheet by MarketWatch. From 2012 onwards, Senior Management initiated a comprehensive dialogue with employees and managers. Please send your e-mail to: Therefore, the aspect of stress management has taken on a central role within our healthcare efforts. Deutsche Bank Innovation Labs. Best Trade Finance Provider. We understand the message: Responsibility has to be the focus of our actions. Deutsche Bank looks to expanse commodity trade finance offering Thursday 3 December 2020 11:06 CET | News This type of finance covers lending across the energy, agricultural, and metal commodity value chains, from produc ers to refineries and distributors, as well as financing for the ‘middlemen’, the commodity traders. We have therefore developed a series of measures to support leaders and employees throughout the transformation. 5 aggiornamenti sono stati effettuati durante l'ultimo minuto. Management has taken on a central role within our healthcare efforts structures for this.! That enhance, improve and reimagine the way we serve our clients effectively USD. Cash management services Price to Book Value quarterly data regression line had arithmetic mean of and! Startups to decision makers within Deutsche Bank Price to Book Value: 0.3113 for Nov. 18,.. Trust with the utmost integrity, to create long-term Value for our deutsche bank values 2020 to! 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