Soy simpatica, generosa, y un poco callada. ¿Y tu? Will 94 sportster gauges fit on a 96 sportster? Intro to Business: Help and Review Log in Sign up. ¿Cómo eres tú? What would you prefer to do on weekends? It is a different type of "how are you". estas is from the verb estar which usually signifies a temporary state. How do you dissolve glucose in water in the shortest time? Soy guapo y muy amable. Be careful, listening to it more than once will lead to memorization. ¿Cómo estás? Relevance. how are you? ... Como con un 80% de ... Como con un 80% de azúcar ¿Cuál de estos desayunos es tu favorito? ¿Cuántos años tienes? como eres tu is yes how are you but it is mostly said como estas its like saying how have you been which is pretty much the same thing as how are you or como eres tu can also mean describe yourself ( what oyu look like). You are mistaking "¿cómo eres?" Soy un profesor. and "como eres tu?" Praxis Spanish Exam (5195): Practice & Study Guide the response would be, "Estoy bien" I am well. Still have questions? updated Nov 8, 2011. posted by ally9123. Los parientes. There is a video on youtube ( sorry I don't know how to link it) It is called ¿Comó eres? Relevance. and response. I am tall, unbearable...etc. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? :) lol @ bla bla bla jajajaja saludos amigo:). Some answers to this "how are you" include kind and temperamental. ", which makes no sense. ''If it is a question, then all of the previous answers qualify, but if it a statement, then it is like a reproach.Ah! online quiz; Best quiz ¿Y tú cómo eres? Soy trabajador, confiable, puntual. Played 0 times. Get your answers by asking now. I think it will help .Just a silly song but it applies. 1) ¿Cómo es? No puedes usar tu teléfono Si no puedes usar el teléfono o la cuenta no tiene un número de teléfono de recuperación, vuelve a intentarlo desde otro dispositivo que uses con frecuencia. (If you were a man you would substitute the letter o for the a eg altO or amistosO). - What is he/she like? "Como eres tu?" Do love hanging out with friends or alone? Lv 4. Then click the card to flip it. For example, using adjectives that agree. question naturally can vary, as everyone's personality varies. (personalidad) 40 terms. What colour clothing is best to wear on a summer night. Make these adjectives feminine and plural. By Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. or Soy responsable. estoy enfermo. 9th grade . In Spanish, just as in English, adjectives usually come before the noun they describe. Soy simpatica pero un poco timida. 0. This description can include both physical characteristics and personality traits. There are so many options, so the variety of faces that your class will create is endless. Answer Save. DRAFT. Praxis Spanish Exam (5195): Practice & Study Guide the response would be, "Estoy bien" I am well. 95567 views. ¿Cómo eres tú? How long will the footprints on the moon last? In the Spanish language there are two ways to ask the question “how are you?” yet they don’t warrant same response. SHORT ANSWER 36. 2) ¿Cómo eres? Te encanta pasar el rato solo o salir con amigos? nataly_barriosgarcia_00027. Como eres can be answered with a Soy ____, where the blank is either a personality trait or something that is (relatively) permanent and does not change very quickly. Let’s take a look: in Spanish using three adjectives in the answer? 0% average accuracy. Capítulo 1B Me llamo _____ Level 1 Hora _____ el la Recycle: gender, negatives, gustar Absent? Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. - LuisCache, Nov 7, 2011. 0 likes. Como eres, how are you physically etc.... your way of being..... That would make no sense if you are answering the question ¿Cómo eres?. Ah! Does Matthew Gray Gubler do a voice in the Disney movie Tangled? Get your learners writing with the "¿Cómo eres tú?" Its quite different from "cómo estás?" 0 0. That would be in English: What are you like? Explanation : The verb "ser" is used in Spanish to describe characteristics of a person. Estoy bien. Edit. Answer Save. They way you are/Is this the way things are going to be? Soy alta y rubia. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. o . What are you like!''. ", Hola Luis ¿Qué tal estás amigo? means "What are you like?" Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Favourite answer. Si el arte te apasiona, puedes expresarte a través de él, bien seas tú el artista, bien apoyes a los artistas. Responses to this Jat. There are basic and common ways to answer to this question: Bien (If you are good), mas o menos (so so), or mal (if you’re not having the best of days). 14 minutes ago by. It means what are you like? Begin with, "Soy..." and list your personality traits. Hola, Feliz, muy bien, y tú cómo estás? Edit. Usted es inteligente. Unidad 1B - Y tú ¿Cómo eres? Expresiones para la clase de español. Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.¿Cómo eres?Answer:Soy alto. Luckily, we put together a little “cheat sheet” for you so that you will know how to respond appropriately. Erica!! or Eres optimista. Cómo in this context does not mean how but is more akin to what + ser (is, was, are). ANS: Answers will vary but should include a negative response. It is a different type of "how are you". Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through and ¿Cómo es?. 1 Answer. desde nuestra mesa, podíamos ver (4) you answered el correct answer is el lago y (5) you answered los correct answer is los barcos que navegaban … See 2 authoritative translations of ¿Cómo eres? "Como eres tu?" Is Cicely Tyson related to Whitney Houston? ¿Cómo eres? Save. What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual sports and team sports? ''If it is a question, then all of the previous answers qualify, but if it a statement, then it is like a reproach.Ah! malindasweat26 malindasweat26 10/26/2016 Spanish ... Haz un resumen de tres líneas de tu cuaderno de lo que pasó en esta parte de este episodio. Freedomfighterforever. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. or What do you look like? Como eres tu is a colloquial way of asking about someone's personal attributes. 0 2 and i have no clue what to say can you please help me translate it into english and can you please give me an example of how to answer it into spanish What is another name for a domestic worker? Soy de estatura mediana de complexion musculosa. Click here to get an answer to your question ️ Which verb conjugation best completes the dialogue? Play this game to review Spanish. Some answers to this "how are you" include kind and temperamental. learn by taking a quiz; Online quiz to learn ¿Y tú cómo eres? If someone ask me ¿Como eres?, I would say, I am tall, well built, 170 pounds, end people say that i am very attractive! it would make sense. is a common question in Spanish, and it can be used in two different contexts. or “how are you?” is an important thing to know when learning Spanish.Not only because it is one of the most common questions but because is also a greeting. How do you answer ¿Cómo eres tú? Flickr Creative Commons Images. "¿Cómo eres tú?" If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Sugerencias sobre cómo proteger tu privacidad en YouTube: Piensa detenidamente antes de publicar información personal, como la ciudad donde vives, la institución educativa en la que estudias y tu dirección particular, entre otros datos. Start studying Responses to como eres tu. Answering: ¿Cómo estás? ANS: desordenada eres is from the verb ser which usually signifies a more permanent state; therefore you have asked what are you like as a … Listen to them online and complete the activity. 1 decade ago. Prefiero ir al cine. in response to a person behaving in a certain way that can cause a humerous reponse from the person's friends eg Someone has just lost their keys again and a friend responds ''You've lost your keys again? 1 decade ago. World Languages. Choose the best response to the following question ¿Cómo eres? Answer : Soy inteligente y alto. Soy velludo. What are you like? 0 0. worksheet. If you were answering ¿Cómo has estado? Me llamo Juanita. nataly_barriosgarcia_00027. Played 0 times. Missed Audio Activities? Maym123. This word search, “ Y tú, Cómo eres?,” was created using the My Word Search puzzle maker. Start studying Spanish 1A Module 1. … ANS: Claudia es una chica sociable. Ex. Students randomly choose traits from a list of vocabulary terms and create the face of a person. What kind of person are you? yo soy alta: i'm tall. fuimos a (2) you answered un correct answer is un restaurante muy romántico que está junto a (3) you answered un correct answer is un bonito lago. Soy alta, morena, y comica. ¿Que prefieres hacer los fines de semana? malindasweat26 malindasweat26 10/26/2016 Spanish ... Haz un resumen de tres líneas de tu cuaderno de lo que pasó en esta parte de este episodio. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Write question for the response. as this is "how are you?" —¿Cómo eres tú? Como eres tu is a colloquial way of asking about someone's personal attributes. (at this moment) I am well. With a contemporary feel and format, the worksheet engages learners with the language. - Online Quiz Version ¿Y tú cómo eres? When somebody asks you this question, they are asking you to describe yourself. Write question for the response. 0% average accuracy. Favorite Answer. Start studying Responses to como eres tu. Ayer tuve (1) you answered una correct answer is una cita con leonardo. This online quiz is called ¿Cómo eres tú? None of the above. (to describe personality traits) You are being asked to describe him/her World Languages. Tú eres bajo. Learners are asked to answer the following personal questions: ¿De dónde eres tú? Como eres tu means how are you, and como es tu hermano means how is your bother. Is Mike Tyson any relation to Cicely Tyson? ¿Qué tan extremo es tu gusto por las cosas dulces? and resposne. Lv 6. — Yo _____ guapo y gracioso. Como estas? Free online quiz ¿Y tú cómo eres? i have respond to como eres tu? OBJ: To use adjectives to describe people 38. ", not "how are you physically? 5. votes. ''What are you like!'' yo soy is permanent... yo soy inteligente: i'm intelligent. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. is ambiguous. with "¿cómo estás?". is a common question in Spanish, and it can be used in two different contexts. Tengo cabello castaño oscuro con ojos verdes y una tez blanca. I usually would answer" He estado bien, y tú? Answer … Si accediste a tu Cuenta de Google, pero no puedes verificar que eres tú para completar una acción, ve a la sección correspondiente que se encuentra a continuación. -Personality Descriptions 1 decade ago. This is a fun activity for students learning how to answer the question ¿Cómo eres? 0. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box. DRAFT. ... Qué tal tu viaje a España? Yo soy black y mexicana, casado diez y seis anos con dos ninjas. 12 Answers. I am confusing with "como eres and como estas..... can anyone help me with this? Como estas is also how are you, most of the time in spanish they have formal and informal was of saying something. 2. votes. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.¿Cómo eres?Answer:Soy alto. Start studying Responses to como eres tu. 14 minutes ago by. 74365 views. intelectual, rubio, gracioso ... ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? The first two are in the wrong person. 0 0. How to answer the question ¿Cómo eres tú? How do you answer Como eres? SpanishDict is the world's largest online Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and reference tool. A. soy B… its asking for a personal description of your personality. ¿Cómo eres físicamente? You would respond by describing yourself: for example: I am tall, athletic friendly and kind. ¿Como eres? how do you answer como eres tu? Protege los datos de tu cuenta y no compartas tu contraseña con otras personas. You may be a little confused at a speaker's response if you don’t know the difference between the two. ANS: atrevido(a) / deportista OBJ: To use adjectives to describe people and to talk about personality traits 37. ¿Como eres tu? Note for those learning English: What are you like? Simple animation ,you will know it when you see it . 0 0. (to describe physical appearance). Fiestas: La familia adjetivos (y verbos) 32 terms. ¿Cómo te llamas tú? Go to the chapter webpage and click on the link in the “Audio Activities for Packet and Practice” block. ¿Cuál es la fecha de tu cumpleaños? What are you like? How do you minimize threat to internal validity? nadie. If it is a question, then all of the previous answers qualify, but if it a statement, then it is like a reproach. And claiming responsability as the essence of your existence sounds rather over the top. Can be said as a question but it is often said rhetorically ( ie: not requiring an answer ) as an exclamation. - What are you like? Use these flashcards to help memorize information. 9th grade . How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day? How to solve: What does como eres tu mean? Conversation questions: 1. nothing. ¿Cómo eres? 5 Answers. ¿Cómo eres? By itself, ¿Cómo eres?" (descripcion fisica y de tu personalidad? Search Help in Finding ¿Y tú cómo eres? Mi viaje fue muy bueno y disfruté mucho mis vacaciónes en España, Muchas gracias Luis Saludos:). clears up the ambiguity, and is asking you, "What are you like physically? Ellas también definen quién eres como persona, porque aquello que te apasiona es lo que dirige tu vida. Por eso, es muy importante tener pasiones. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1 decade ago "yo soy..." use adjectives about yourself, not stuff like "i'm hungry" or "i'm tired" because that's temporary. jajajaja. How many grams of bromine are required to completely react with 22.1 g of titanium? 34 terms. ¿Y tú cómo eres? etc... You start by describing what you look like. Unidad 1B - Y tú ¿Cómo eres? Home Q&A How do you answer Como eres? When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again. you could say, "Soy amable y gracioso/-a. OBJ: To ask and tell what people are like 39. Tú no eres bajo. Learning how to link it ) it is a video on youtube ( sorry do... Activities for Packet and Practice ” block dirige tu vida tú, cómo?! Wear on a 96 sportster and informal was of saying something with, `` soy amable y gracioso/-a bla saludos! English: what are you like this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through.. To completely react with 22.1 g of titanium 1 Hora _____ el la Recycle: gender,,... Eres tú?... yo soy black y mexicana, casado diez y seis con...: help and Review Log in Sign up memorize information a question but it applies translator, and with... Dos ninjas get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your question ️ which verb conjugation best completes the dialogue Start Responses... 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