But with man it is wholly different. “Quadragesimo Anno” (“40th Year”) is an encyclical written by Pope Pius XI to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII‘s social encyclical Rerum Novarum. It rests on the principle that it is one thing to have a right to the possession of money and another to have a right to use money as one wills. To such as these Catholic associations are of incalculable service, by helping them out of their difficulties, inviting them to companionship and receiving the returning wanderers to a haven where they may securely find repose. Consequently, it has rights and duties peculiar to itself which are quite independent of the State. As the power to rule comes from God, and is, as it were, a participation in His, the highest of all sovereignties, it should be exercised as the power of God is exercised - with a fatherly solicitude which not only guides the whole, but reaches also individuals. And not only by His example, but by His grace and by the hope held forth of everlasting recompense, has He made pain and grief more easy to endure; "for that which is at present momentary and light of our tribulation, worketh for us above measure exceedingly an eternal weight of glory. Others, again, strive to unite working men of various grades into associations, help them with their advice and means, and enable them to obtain fitting and profitable employment. O sea, que ni la justicia ni la humanidad toleran la exigencia de un rendimiento tal, que el espíritu se embote por el exceso de trabajo y al mismo tiempo el cuerpo se rinda a la fatiga. Pope John Paul II devoted a whole encyclical to ‘human work’, namely Laborem Exercens, published to mark the 90 th anniversary of Rerum Novarum in 1981. Yet, destitute though they were of wealth and influence, they ended by winning over to their side the favor of the rich and the good-will of the powerful. Dado que, dondequiera que se observen íntegramente, las virtudes cristianas aportan una parte de la prosperidad a las cosas externas, en cuanto que aproximan a Dios, principio y fuente de todos los bienes; reprime esas dos plagas de la vida que hacen sumamente miserable al hombre incluso cuando nada en la abundancia, como son el exceso de ambición y la sed de placeres[18]; en fin, contentos con un atuendo y una mesa frugal, suplen la renta con el ahorro, lejos de los vicios, que arruinan no sólo las pequeñas, sino aun las grandes fortunas, y disipan los más cuantiosos patrimonios. No son éstos, sin embargo, deberes de justicia, salvo en los casos de necesidad extrema, sino de caridad cristiana, la cual, ciertamente, no hay derecho de exigirla por la ley. Creen que con este traslado de los bienes de los particulares a la comunidad, distribuyendo por igual las riquezas y el bienestar entre todos los ciudadanos, se podría curar el mal presente. For, to enter into a "society" of this kind is the natural right of man; and the State has for its office to protect natural rights, not to destroy them; and, if it forbid its citizens to form associations, it contradicts the very principle of its own existence, for both they and it exist in virtue of the like principle, namely, the natural tendency of man to dwell in society. Intervenga, por tanto, la autoridad del Estado y, frenando a los agitadores, aleje la corrupción de las costumbres de los obreros y el peligro de las rapiñas de los legítimos dueños. Now, when man thus turns the activity of his mind and the strength of his body toward procuring the fruits of nature, by such act he makes his own that portion of nature's field which he cultivates - that portion on which he leaves, as it were, the impress of his personality; and it cannot but be just that he should possess that portion as his very own, and have a right to hold it without any one being justified in violating that right. First of all, it is personal, inasmuch as the force which acts is bound up with the personality and is the exclusive property of him who acts, and, further, was given to him for his advantage. To agree in any other sense would be against what is right and just; for it can never be just or right to require on the one side, or to promise on the other, the giving up of those duties which a man owes to his God and to himself. 31. 41. El principal es que debe asegurar las posesiones privadas con el imperio y fuerza de las leyes. 11). The first and most fundamental principle, therefore, if one would undertake to alleviate the condition of the masses, must be the inviolability of private property. A Socratic Seminar . Civil society exists for the common good, and hence is concerned with the interests of all in general, albeit with individual interests also in their due place and degree. May 15, 1891 . Jesucristo no suprimió en modo alguno con su copiosa redención las tribulaciones diversas de que está tejida casi por completo la vida mortal, sino que hizo de ellas estímulo de virtudes y materia de merecimientos, hasta el punto de que ningún mortal podrá alcanzar los premios eternos si no sigue las huellas ensangrentadas de Cristo. Open letter to Pope Leo XIII by Henry George. What advantage can it be to a working man to obtain by means of a society material well-being, if he endangers his soul for lack of spiritual food? Por lo demás, a pesar de que se halle repartida entre los particulares, no deja por ello de servir a la común utilidad de todos, ya que no hay mortal alguno que no se alimente con lo que los campos producen. Canalicen hacia esto todas las fuerzas del espíritu y su competencia los ministros sagrados y, precedidos por vosotros, venerables hermanos, con vuestra autoridad y vuestro ejemplo, no cesen de inculcar en todos los hombres de cualquier clase social las máximas de vida tomadas del Evangelio; que luchen con todas las fuerzas a su alcance por la salvación de los pueblos y que, sobre todo, se afanen por conservar en sí mismos e inculcar en los demás, desde los más altos hasta los más humildes, la caridad, señora y reina de todas las virtudes. Hoy, ciertamente, son muchos los que, como en otro tiempo hicieran los gentiles, se propasan a censurar a la Iglesia esta tan eximia caridad, en cuyo lugar se ha pretendido poner la beneficencia establecida por las leyes civiles. In such cases, public authority may justly forbid the formation of such associations, and may dissolve them if they already exist. 13. There are occasions, doubtless, when it is fitting that the law should intervene to prevent certain associations, as when men join together for purposes which are evidently bad, unlawful, or dangerous to the State. Society cannot exist or be conceived of without them. Decaído el ánimo, extenuado el cuerpo, muchos querrían verse libres de una tan vil esclavitud, pero no se atreven o por vergüenza o por miedo a la miseria. But every precaution should be taken not to violate the rights of individuals and not to impose unreasonable regulations under pretense of public benefit. Nadie, sin embargo, deberá entenderlo como el disfrute de una más larga holganza inoperante, ni menos aún como una ociosidad, como muchos desean, engendradora de vicios y fomentadora de derroches de dinero, sino justamente del descanso consagrado por la religión. In choosing a state of life, it is indisputable that all are at full liberty to follow the counsel of Jesus Christ as to observing virginity, or to bind themselves by the marriage tie. Y para la obtención de estos bienes es sumamente eficaz y necesario el trabajo de los proletarios, ya ejerzan sus habilidades y destreza en el cultivo del campo, ya en los talleres e industrias. Several major Catholic Social Teaching documents celebrate significant anniversaries of Rerum Novarum and update its teaching. The rulers of the State accordingly have no rights over them, nor can they claim any share in their control; on the contrary, it is the duty of the State to respect and cherish them, and, if need be, to defend them from attack. Let him learn to reverence and love holy Church, the common Mother of us all; and hence to obey the precepts of the Church, and to frequent the sacraments, since they are the means ordained by God for obtaining forgiveness of sin and fox leading a holy life. Los cargos en las asociaciones se otorgarán en conformidad con los intereses comunes, de tal modo que la disparidad de criterios noreste unanimidad a las resoluciones. "He that hath a talent," said St. Gregory the Great, "let him see that he hide it not; he that hath abundance, let him quicken himself to mercy and generosity; he that hath art and skill, let him do his best to share the use and the utility hereof with his neighbor. Log in to Wiley Online Library. True, if a family finds itself in exceeding distress, utterly deprived of the counsel of friends, and without any prospect of extricating itself, it is right that extreme necessity be met by public aid, since each family is a part of the commonwealth. (1) It is a subject on which We have already touched more than once, incidentally. (26) The foremost duty, therefore, of the rulers of the State should be to make sure that the laws and institutions, the general character and administration of the commonwealth, shall be such as of themselves to realize public well-being and private prosperity. En todo contrato concluido entre patronos y obreros debe contenerse siempre esta condición expresa o tácita: que se provea a uno y otro tipo de descanso, pues no sería honesto pactar lo contrario, ya que a nadie es lícito exigir ni prometer el abandono de las obligaciones que el hombre tiene para con Dios o para consigo mismo. Exposition of Rerum novarum with guided readings – see 4.2. . Hence, the employer is bound to see that the worker has time for his religious duties; that he be not exposed to corrupting influences and dangerous occasions; and that he be not led away to neglect his home and family, or to squander his earnings. Ínstese, incítese a los obreros al culto de Dios y a la afición a la piedad; sobre todo a velar por el cumplimiento de la obligación de los días festivos. The chief and most excellent rule for the right use of money is one the heathen philosophers hinted at, but which the Church has traced out clearly, and has not only made known to men's minds, but has impressed upon their lives. It is this, above all, which is the reason arid motive of Sunday rest; a rest sanctioned by God's great law of the Ancient Covenant-"Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day,"(31) and taught to the world by His own mysterious "rest" after the creation of man: "He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done."(32). La naturaleza animal, sin embargo, por elevada que sea la medida en que se la posea, dista tanto de contener y abarcar en sí la naturaleza humana, que es muy inferior a ella y nacida para servirle y obedecerle. It enunciated the late 19th-century Roman Catholic position on social justice, especially in relation to the problems created by the Industrial Revolution, and Of these facts there cannot be any shadow of doubt: for instance, that civil society was renovated in every part by Christian institutions; that in the strength of that renewal the human race was lifted up to better things-nay, that it was brought back from death to life, and to so excellent a life that nothing more perfect had been known before, or will come to be known in the ages that have yet to be. To cite the wise words of St. Thomas Aquinas: "As the part and the whole are in a certain sense identical, so that which belongs to the whole in a sense belongs to the part. But the rulers of the commonwealth must go no further; here, nature bids them stop. But no human expedients will ever make up for the devotedness and self sacrifice of Christian charity. We have insisted, it is true, that, since the end of society is to make men better, the chief good that society can possess is virtue. 20. But it is precisely in such power of disposal that ownership obtains, whether the property consist of land or chattels. RERUM NOVARUM Encíclica Rerum Novarum, SS. También se ha de proveer diligentemente que en ningún momento falte al obrero abundancia de trabajo y que se establezca una aportación con que poder subvenir a las necesidades de cada uno, tanto en los casos de accidentes fortuitos de la industria cuanto en la enfermedad, en la vejez y en cualquier infortunio. Procedería, por consiguiente, de una manera injusta e inhumana si exigiera de los bienes privados más de lo que es justo bajo razón de tributos. This is enforced by what we see in Christ Himself, who, "whereas He was rich, for our sakes became poor";(18) and who, being the Son of God, and God Himself, chose to seem and to be considered the son of a carpenter - nay, did not disdain to spend a great part of His life as a carpenter Himself. Dada en Roma, junto a San Pedro, el 15 de mayo de 1891, año decimocuarto de nuestro pontificado. For the soil which is tilled and cultivated with toil and skill utterly changes its condition; it was wild before, now it is fruitful; was barren, but now brings forth in abundance. If any there are who pretend differently - who hold out to a hard-pressed people the boon of freedom from pain and trouble, an undisturbed repose, and constant enjoyment - they delude the people and impose upon them, and their lying promises will only one day bring forth evils worse than the present. The foundations of the organization being thus laid in religion, We next proceed to make clear the relations of the members one to another, in order that they may live together in concord and go forward prosperously and with good results. And in addition to injustice, it is only too evident what an upset and disturbance there would be in all classes, and to how intolerable and hateful a slavery citizens would be subjected. 2. Trata, además de influir sobre los espíritus y de doblegar las voluntades, a fin de que se dejen regir y gobernar por la enseñanza de los preceptos divinos. Indeed, their co-operation is in this respect so important that it may be truly said that it is only by the labor of working men that States grow rich. Para los cuales, sin embargo, si siguen los preceptos de Cristo, resultará poco la amistad y se unirán por el amor fraterno. Then, again, the season of the year should be taken into account; for not unfrequently a kind of labor is easy at one time which at another is intolerable or exceedingly difficult. Full text En principio, se ha de establecer como ley general y perpetua que las asociaciones de obreros se han de constituir y gobernar de tal modo que proporcionen los medios más idóneos y convenientes para el fin que se proponen, consistente en que cada miembro de la sociedad consiga, en la medida de lo posible, un aumento de los bienes del cuerpo, del alma y de la familia. En el otro, la multitud desamparada y débil, con el alma lacerada y dispuesta en todo momento al alboroto. «Es lícito que el hombre posea cosas propias. Y, en cuanto a los niños, se ha de evitar cuidadosamente y sobre todo que entren en talleres antes de que la edad haya dado el suficiente desarrollo a su cuerpo, a su inteligencia y a su alma. Tomado a pechos el patrocinio de los mismos, se afanan en aumentar su prosperidad tanto familiar como individual; de moderar igualmente, con la justicia, las relaciones entre obreros y patronos; de formar y robustecer en unos y otros la conciencia del deber y la observancia de los preceptos evangélicos, que, apartando al hombre de todo exceso, impiden que se rompan los límites de la moderación y defienden la armonía entre personas y cosas de tan distinta condición. Apropiarse de lo contrario, degeneraría y no aventajarían mucho a ese tipo de asociaciones que. Olden times issued by Pope Leo XIII on capital and labor esto, el 15 de mayo de,... Da Igreja - DSI - Duration: 1:21:52 by his brother is like a strong city public authority justly. Se exceda de estos límites de limosnas o del trabajo de rerum Novarum centre, Taipei, increased in... 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