Switch the paste right into a bowl and relaxation apart. "1 Cup Warm Milk", Mong dal (Yellow lentil) 1 Cup (soaked for 3 hours) Ghee ¾ Cup; Elaichi powder (Cardamom powder) 1 tsp; Doodh (Milk) 1 & ½ Cups; Pani (Water) ½ Cup; Cheeni (Sugar) 1 Cup or to taste; Badam (Almonds) 15-20; Pista (Pistachio) 15-20; Directions: In grinder,add yellow lentil,grind coarsely & set aside. "text": "Cook it for about 25 minutes on medium flame. "nutrition": { "1 Cup Sugar", Drain it and then blend it in a mixer & turn into a paste. //-->//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>//>